A 21-Year-Old’s 21 Truths in Her Pocket

Turning 21 is a game changer. I am not too young but not too old. But sure I am wiser now.



  1. Patience will keep your life smooth. When you rush decisions, you rush consequences. When you delay, you are giving yourself time to think clearly. You seek counsel from all perspectives. You will not always choose the best decisions, and regrets are inevitable. But waiting will keep you sane especially when you will keep praying too. Don’t rush to go to the next job or quit your current one. Don’t rush to kiss him or rush to break up with him. Don’t rush to buy it, reserve it first.

2. Never be afraid to cut off toxic people. It will hurt at first, and you will feel alone. But you don’t deserve to be treated that way. If they are mean to you, you are not the problem, it’s them. The right people will only correct your mistakes, not attack you.

3. But be kind to everyone. Don’t be a dime in a dozen. If only you know how much kindness this world needs then you will understand how much this world is hurting. Just display common courtesy: smile, greet,  say thank you, say sorry, and be warm. Through this, you are teaching the world how to treat you back.


4. Your career is your choice, not others. Forget society’s standards of living. Never conform to their idea of a stable life. Don’t listen to them when they think your dreams are too big or too childish. Some of them won’t want you to succeed because they failed in theirs.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Pride is the only thing keeping you from people and opportunities. But of course, please consider their time and the extent of their abilities too.

6.  Never lose your inner child. Don’t be ashamed to re-watch your Doraemon series when the world seemed cruel again. Play barefoot on the grass. Cuddle your dad. Search for that prize inside cereal boxes. Sit on the play swing. Eat cotton candy. Play with your brother. Keep your authenticity.

7. Don’t lose yourself in a relationship. Learned this the hard way, but yes. Keep yourself happy without him because he won’t be there all the time.

8. But when you love, give it all. Give chances but leave when you had enough.

9. All your friends are busy. Keep this in mind because each one of you are looking for money to pay breakfast. Or that they need ME time too.

10. But keep in touch all the time. Just enough to show you care without being there all the time.

11. Read, Read, and Read. When will you start? Books are the ultimate escape but still ground you in reality. It will show you stories of people, on how they think and on how they live in a different time or different world.

12. Just do it. That report, that sketch, and that cleaning schedule. And once you’re done, it wasn’t really that hard at all!

13. Please check emails. Yes, even the junk folder. Never lose an opportunity just because you didn’t read it. You’ll never know what you’ll get today.

14. Don’t change your attitude to fit others. As long as you are not stepping on others then be true to yourself. You don’t need to change to be accepted. There are many fake people in the crowd. Stay genuine. Don’t change your fashion to look like everybody else. Don’t change your hair just because they think it’s not cool. Don’t hang out when you don’t feel like it at times. You don’t need to like movies, music, or that food just to fit in.

15. Life is not a race. Always said, but hardly lived. Just keep on improving and celebrate the success of others. You don’t know what they went through to get it.

16. Drink your favorite liquid. End your day in a sweeter note. Drink cold coffee. But in moderation. They say life’s biggest problems could be solved through a sip of cold coffee.

17. You are not the best in your art or career. Learn from others but keep your own style. Keep on getting better.

18. Live one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself. You don’t need to know everything today.

19. Encourage. Don’t discourage. Don’t reject. Believe, and you’ll see how far others will go because of you.

20. Don’t burst into anger. It’s difficult to keep your peace around others who will really keep your blood boiling. But stay classy. Their temper will reflect back at them, not to you. By the way, it’s not you who will get high blood, it’s them. Anger kills, you know.

21. Stay positive. We went to a psychiatrist, and she gave me an exercise on the power of the mind. I closed my eyes while putting my two index fingers in line with each other. She kept telling me to believe that my right finger is longer than my left. And it happened!

Positive Mind = Positive Results

Photography by Ronelyn Faith Vailoces and Shama Mongcopa

2 thoughts on “A 21-Year-Old’s 21 Truths in Her Pocket

  1. @millionsrich Yes, I had to learn it in the hardest ways possible, but I am eternally grateful.


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