A Royal Review: Philippa Gregory Books

Written and Photographed by  Royanni Miel M. Hontucan

The passion of breathing life from the pages of history compelled Philippa Gregory, the English author of the 18th century monarch England, to write it with heart and soul. Historical fiction had always intrigued me because it is a genre where fiction and reality coincide with each other while not losing  the accuracy of recorded events when flavored with imagination.

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The Voices of the Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (Chapter Reviews)

By Royanni Miel M. Hontucan

Featured image from cinemablend.com and hrexach.wordpress.com

“There would be no peace for me,” she wrote to a friend, “if I kept silent.” Carson wrote the evolutionary book, which presented the sharpest realities of chemical domination over the distortion of nature’s balance: the Silent Spring.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky (Chapter Reviews)

By Royanni Miel M. Hontucan

Charlie and his unexpected friends. Photo from  www.japantimes.co.jp
Charlie and his unexpected friends. Photo from www.japantimes.co.jp

Charlie- the vessel of a sympathetic soul, his bittersweet innocence defines the authenticity of his rare character among the youth.


The first chapter is deemed as the overview of Charlie’s life. The good and the bad, the politically correct, the acceptable norms, the traditional social circles and the golden thoughts of Charlie scratched the surface of an anticipated worthy-read story.

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